The following is about the information we provide to you all about How to Plant Plants in a House. Of course, in living an increasingly modern life there are many needs that we want to fulfill, then with maximum effort and accompanied by prayer will be the realization of the desires that we want. The information below is an encouragement to you in your business in the field you are currently engaged in, see carefully what we say.

Ways to Plant Plants in Houses - if we want to garden, we don't need a large area of ​​land. Even at home we can garden by planting plants that are beneficial to us. Like flowers, medicinal plants and so on. We can take advantage of our narrow home yards by becoming friends for the family. For example, by placing plants in pots.


Cara Menanam Tanaman di Dalam Rumah

Media Planting Preparation

1. Place a few pieces of red stone (as a binder of water) at the bottom of the pot

2. Fill the pot with an ideal soil mixture for each type
a. General mixture; 1/3 part sand, 1/3 part soil, 1/3 part manure
b. Mix for dry type; sand section, 1/2 part manure
c. The mixture for the type likes moist: ground part, 1/2 part manure

3. The media is ready to be planted.
A Good Way to Take

> Choose plant pots and growing media that are suitable for the plants we will be planting. The pot must also be adjusted to where and how the pot is placed.

> If the pot and prepared media are available, make sure the pot has enough drainage holes. Fill in the media approximately 1/3 part of the pot. enter the plant, try the original media attached to the plant is still there, so that plants do not experience stress when adapting to new media.

> Add more planting media, while holding the plant with one hand. After almost full, press the media slowly with your thumb so that the plant can stand firm. The pot should not be filled to the full, leaving about 2 cm from the bottom of the pot so that it is easy to do watering.
After the finish is finished, flush the plants to taste. The outer wall and bottom of the pot are cleaned of dirt and planting media that are still attached before being placed in the desired place.
The Right Way to Irrigate
Cara Menanam Tanaman di Dalam Rumah

Some ways to irrigate indoor potted plants are:

1. Water is given through the pot base. In this way the water will seep up to the planting media through the capillary system. The benefits of the media are not too wet, but the availability of water is quite guaranteed. To help infiltrate water into the planting media, you should attach a rope from the media to the bottom of the pot through the drainage hole.

2. Water is given directly to the planting medium. In this way water can be poured directly on the surface of the planting media or can also be through a pipe that is plugged into the planting media. Try water spray not directly on plants.
The best time to do watering plants is in the morning around 7-10 a.m.

1. Bougenville Flower Plants

This plant besides having a beautiful shape, easy to live, can be modified colors and flowers also function as a dust filter for our homes. In addition, this plant is not too large and the roots do not damage the fence or walls of the house because of its soft but strong roots.
If the page is quite large, in my opinion palm trees are very good and can make a beautiful / beautiful impression. For other small plants, there are many that can be planted for example: orchids, roses, jasmine, alamanda, hibiscus, etc.
Cara Menanam Tanaman di Dalam Rumah

2. Shade plants
Mango trees are easy to care for, suitable for shade, and of course the fruit can be enjoyed. Shade trees create a microclimate, so that the wind that enters the yard and into the house will be cooler because it has received water vapor, the mango is one of the trees whose canopy is just as shade.

3. Toxic Absorbent Plants

Ornamental plants and flowers that have a function as absorbent poisons include: tongue-in-law, chrysanthemum, aloe vera, sansiviera, andong, aglonema, banyan. Even the tongue-in-law can absorb heavy metals such as the most dangerous lead in the air.
This type of aglonema is very suitable to be planted around the home for smokers because all types of aglonema, besides being able to absorb CO2 can also absorb nicotine well.


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