how to plant flowers in a whiskey barrel

The tropical regions of America are home to more than 30 species of green plants Duranta, a member of the Verbena family. In the United States, Golden Dewdrop species are cultivated. In all areas other than the USDA 8-11 plant resistance zone, this plant is treated as an annual. Let's learn more about Duranta's propagation and treatment in your home garden. Duranta Flowering Plant Info Flowering plants Duranta (Duranta erecta) can reach up to 10 feet in height and flower a lot from summer to the first frost. Shrub-like plants are multi-stemmed and somewhat moody branches. The stem may have sharp thorns. Flowers such as orchids may be light blue to light purple. Some plants develop many ball-shaped yellow drupes. Chemicals in fruit can make them toxic to humans but not harmful to birds that enjoy them very much. How to Grow Duranta If you live in an area where Duranta plants are treated as annuals, large containers (such as half whiskey barrels) are fantastic places to grow plants. When the weather gets cold, you can bring the plants inside and place them near a window facing south for beautiful colors throughout the winter. Duranta plants prefer rich organic soil which is rather clayy and flows well. It is very important to keep the soil light if you plant it in a container. Make sure that your container has many drainage holes.   If planting on the ground, choose a location that receives full sun for the best flowering display. Give plenty of space for this tropical beauty to spread. Duranta Plant Care Slow fertilizer helps encourage flowering and productive fertilization. It is important to water frequently when the factory is building. Water requirements after the company are low, watering is only enough to keep the soil moist and more during the dry season. Some trimming updates are needed to keep the shape good. Duranta propagation is quite easy to use pieces of wood (wood cutting) taken in the summer. Dip the ends of the 6-inch pieces into rooting compounds and plants. The roots will form fast enough. Seeds are also available and also seem to work.


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